CHANGE Project Site Finds Database

The CHANGE Project Site Finds Database provides basic data on coins found in archaeological excavations in the region of Anatolia and neighbouring islands, with production dates between c. 600 and 30 BC. Each entry refers to an individual coin excavated on a site (some stray finds and coins found in funerary contexts are also included, coin hoards found in excavations are not). The key aim is to support research into monetary production and circulation in Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Anatolia.

The data have been derived from publications, dissertations and reports by many scholars, to whom we are very grateful. Particular thanks are due to Zeynep Çizmeli Öğün for her 2017 survey of publications. The database is not comprehensive, and we hope further publications will be added in due course.

Details of the published and unpublished archaeological reports that are the source of the data can be found in the Zotero library:

The database was created by Leah Lazar ORCID iD icon , with additional research by Finn Conway ORCID iD icon . The online portal was constructed by Imran Asif ORCID iD icon . , as part of the CHANGE project led by Andrew Meadows with funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 865680).